Pick it, Lick it , Stick it
Knocked a tooth out?
Don't panic!
Here's what to do to help save your tooth
Step 1: Pick the tooth up by the crown only (do not touch the root)
Step 2: Lick the tooth clean if it is dirty, or rinse it in water
Step 3: Stick the tooth back in position (adult teeth only)
*** Never try to re-insert a baby tooth ***
Step 4: Bite on a handkerchief to hold it in place
Step 5: Go straight to a dentist
If it's not possible to put the tooth back in position, put the tooth in milk and go straight to a dentist (out of hours go to A&E).
For more details see 'Save a Knocked Out Tooth'
Broken or chipped a tooth?
Tooth fragments can sometimes be glued back into position.
Find the fragment and take it to your dentist who might try to stick the fragment back on or build your tooth up with a tooth-coloured filling.
Click here for more information